
SIYE Time:18:28 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.08.31 - 07:44PM Title: Ch 18 Christmas Eve

Well im glad to see the kid see christmas as a fun time. Im also glad to see the band play for other people and enjoyed by many....a band need to play in order to get for cleo and albus, well time will tell but they are working thought all the fiun right now and more to come....kutgw

Author's Response: Christmas was a good time for Cleo and Albus. The band is not a major part of the story, but we cannot fit it either. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2016.08.31 - 12:30PM Title: Ch 18 Christmas Eve


Great Christmas chapter - loved the blending of magic and church. Albus is wise beyond his years and the conversation between him and Ginny was very enlightening. Cleo is so opposite than Albus it is interesting to see how they complement each other.

Author's Response: Albus and Cleopatra are very different people. Albus really is mature, and too serious I agree that I need to show how they complement each other. I will have to work on that. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.08.31 - 09:05AM Title: Ch 18 Christmas Eve


I sometimes think you concentrate too much on small details, like what shape Cleo is and do not get the story moving fast enough. Then you end with a cliff hanger like this where something is obviously happening. Just have to keep on reading.

Author's Response: I hope to keep you interested. There have been attacks on both, and it is obvious there are people who do not like them. Thank you for continuing to read. Jet

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