
SIYE Time:19:12 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.09.05 - 07:47PM Title: Ch 19 Christmas Week


..."Ginny said, “The witch your Grandmother Weasley killed at the Battle of Hogwarts killed Uncle Fabian, long before I was born. He was just a baby, born between Uncle Charlie and Uncle Percy. Grandmum bawls every time she thinks of him. Sometimes little children are caught up in battles and are hurt or killed.""

“Uncle Fred was a grown up, but he was killed at the Battle of Hogwarts, along with fifty other people. Grandmum lost two sons during the last war."

?Uncle Fabian was a baby?

?Molly lost two sons During the last war?

This has been a long story so I might have forgotten things, but this got me a bit confused. Still, onwards and upwards.

Author's Response: Molly had a brother, Fabian. I invented a baby as well, and there is a little about him early in this way too long series. I have a minor part for him, from beyond the grave, way into the series. Thank you for being a faithful reader. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.09.05 - 02:33PM Title: Ch 19 Christmas Week

Ah we are getting deep in the religin and scences, and something tells me al and cleo will see more then meets the eye....kutgw. Nice to see draco come out of his sheel a little with cleo...

Author's Response: Draco is responsible for some of his own troubles, but not all. He is in a very difficult position. Cleo certainly sees some "magic behind the magic." I am glad the talk of religion does not totally turn you off. Thank you for the review. Jet

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