
SIYE Time:17:41 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: HPmum2014 Signed Date: 2016.11.11 - 02:53AM Title: CH 22 Gender and a Twitchy Witch

Tend to agree with Dad in previous review, as it felt a bit out of the blue, but I'm happy to trust in you and your characters. Personally, I hope you and your family have the support you need so your child can become their true self, best wishes to you all xx

Author's Response: Chloe/Charles future works out better this way, but why is several years in the future. Thank you for your good wishes, and for the review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.11.10 - 04:30PM Title: CH 22 Gender and a Twitchy Witch

well nice to see the world still spins for ginny and cho but then again it should after 20 years. but then again anything is possible....kutgw

Author's Response: I just cannot write a story about an unfaithful Harry or Ginny. I cannot have any of the Weasleys be unfaithful. I can with other families. Ginny has mellowed some, although if someone or something was threatening one of her children ,I would expect her to react like Molly did with Bellatrix. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.11.10 - 08:57AM Title: CH 22 Gender and a Twitchy Witch

In no way. shape or form am I an expert on sexual tendencies (other than to live and let live), but I am not sure if a Harry Potter fanfiction is the right place to include them. Unless there is a very interesting bit of plot coming up!

Author's Response: Chloe has been in the story for a long time, and she is part of a critical part of the story in Albus's sixth year. Long before the transgender part of the story presented itself she was a rather masculine girl. In some ways this actually works better, although it is hardly key to the main plot of the story. We are back into the main plot, something that will become very important, next chapter. Jet

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