
SIYE Time:19:36 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.12.13 - 02:49PM Title: CH 23 First Visit with the Centaurs


Albus is pushing things forward in this chapter. Looking forward to what comes in the future.

Author's Response: Albus in hardly an innocent little boy. He and Cleo have a lot more visits to the centaurs and others over the next few years. One more chapter is posted, and another back from my Beta. Real life has also gotten very busy, so chapters may not be posted quite as quickly. As always thank you for your review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.11.21 - 05:40AM Title: CH 23 First Visit with the Centaurs

Well it is a right of passage for the potters to get it at age 11....kutgw

Author's Response: Getting the Cloak as eleven is sort of a rite of passage. I had not thought of it that way. What is different is that the middle child is getting it, not the oldest. Of course we have no idea when it was passed on before James Sr., Harry's father. There is nothing in canon to say that James had it his first year. Again thank you for the review. Jet

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