
SIYE Time:18:25 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2016.12.18 - 10:31PM Title: CH 24 The Twentieth Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts


What a way to have Ginny and Cleo get closer over childbirth. That was definitely a cliff hanger. Love how Albus and Cleo handled the witch. I have really enjoy this series of stories.

Author's Response: Cleo is going to be closer to her future mother-in-law than to Narcissa, the woman who raised her for the last 6 years. It is really not Narcissa's fault. I had hoped to write a cliff hanger. The next chapter is back from my Beta, but I have been very busy. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.12.13 - 01:34PM Title: CH 24 The Twentieth Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts

Good thing cleo went with ginny and ginny having the good grace to move out to the hospital wing before the event happen...cleo is going to see a real eye opener and ginny is greacious to allow her to see it happen....even if she was not intending to have that happen....kutgw

Author's Response: It is a very good thing that Ginny is not in the Great Hall. Cleo is going to find out a lot more abut childbirth than she expected to. Thank you for the review. Jet

Author's Response: It is a very good thing that Ginny is not in the Great Hall. Cleo is going to find out a lot more abut childbirth than she expected to. Thank you for the review. Jet

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