
SIYE Time:19:33 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2017.05.30 - 03:00PM Title: CH 25 Minerva Marie Potter


your stories are ver y interesting. Cleo is such a unique girl. I loved how Luna was able to help Albus.

Author's Response: Thank you. It may be a couple more months before I am back to this story. Real life is getting in the way. It will continue, I promise you. Reviews are what keep fan fiction writers writing. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2017.01.30 - 10:04AM Title: CH 25 Minerva Marie Potter

Wel im glad that ginny and cleo had a time of it, but then again they a need to work out what was happening. As we move from here ginny and mini minerva are in for a long hull.....kutgw

Author's Response: It was a pretty easy birth for Ginny. Minerva may be small, but she is healthy. Ginny will be getting almost enough sleep in a month. You do not stop being a parent just because your child is an adult. Grandmother Molly rushed in to give Ginny some much needed support. Ginny is going to be doing the mother thing for a long time. Witches and wizards live a long time, though. Thank you for being a faithful reviewer. Jet

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