
SIYE Time:17:24 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2017.06.15 - 06:37PM Title: CH 26 An Embarrassing Visit to the Centaurs


Nice to see an update.

Author's Response: Nice to have time to write and update again. Thank you. Jet

Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2017.06.15 - 05:28PM Title: CH 26 An Embarrassing Visit to the Centaurs


So glad that you updated. It is hard being a pre-teen yet know that you are soul mates.

Author's Response: Life is not always going to be easy for Albus and Cleopatra. Once Albus's hormones start raging it is not going to be any easier. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2017.06.15 - 03:35PM Title: CH 26 An Embarrassing Visit to the Centaurs

Ah Draco still does not get it at all...Cleo is a lot braver then most girls her for albus he was smart to kept his pants on....kutgw

Author's Response: Draco can be rather clueless about things. He is neither fully good or fully bad. I feel sorry for him, but he is responsible for a lot of his own problems. Thank you for the review. Jet

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