
SIYE Time:19:20 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2018.11.30 - 04:52PM Title: CH 29 The International Confederation of Witches and Wizards


Well I’m sorry that this ride is ending but I agree with you idea that the next adventure should start anew....kutgw

Author's Response: The plan is to have seven Albus Potter books. I have a lot of material on some of the future years, but my outline is not quite as complete as the outline I did for the 19 year four books. I know where I am going, but getting there is going to take some time. Thank you for the review. These reviews keep me writing. Jet

Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2018.11.29 - 10:27PM Title: CH 29 The International Confederation of Witches and Wizards


So glad to see an update. Love yournattory

Author's Response: I'm working on the next story. I may have found a beta for the next book, but could always use another beta or two. Thank you so much for the review. It helps to know that people are still interested in this big mess of a story. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2018.11.29 - 04:56PM Title: CH 29 The International Confederation of Witches and Wizards


It has been a while since the last chapter. Plenty more to look forward to.

Author's Response: I'm back to writing, and looking for new beta readers. The first chapter of the next story is written, and I'm working on more. It helps that I'm mostly retired. We purchased a building and moved into it, and in my 70's I found myself working way over 40 hours a week. I'm finally ready and able to slow down and play in the Harry Potter universe. Jet

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