
SIYE Time:5:57 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2017.10.29 - 08:57PM Title: Chapter 1


Malfoy is even worse than Snape. Why would he get away with it? Snape did because he was a spy - Malfoy is a marked Death Eater, he shouldn't be allowed in a position of power. The story is interesting, but you introduced a lot in Albus' essay. A bit more explanation would be helpful - I'm guessing this is based on some other myths or stories? I had to look up the places you mentioned and the tengu - never heard of any of them . Even if it is in your author's note, it would be nice to provide some context for the story. Not everyone will be familiar with both as you obviously are.

Author's Response: Talking of Tengu, you will see more later. Mostly, my original idea. For characterization of Malfoy or Scorpius or Albus, just my first experience at Next Gen. I just wanted to give the different role to Draco Malfoy. So you may feel quite different from the other Draimone or Draco centric stories.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2017.10.08 - 08:07AM Title: Chapter 1

Nice to see everyone still getting along

Author's Response: Thank you. I try keep posting this story.

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