
SIYE Time:4:58 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2017.11.12 - 06:37PM Title: Chapter 6 The Secret of Kappa's Egg


Its very sad that Xavier and Newt's relationship had strained to such a point that Xavier would be so disrespectful to his father. He basically turned his father in to the Ministry - not even Percy did that. I was surprised that Harry learns that Malfoy is going to Japan and decides to go to a Halloween party. It didn't make a lot of sense. He's an Auror, he can visit and question people without a pretext.

Author's Response: I struggled with thinking of the plot. Sometimes the bad relationship between a son and a father will end in the serious problem. Harry is not perfect. He has made mistakes. Especially the things at Hogwarts, he couldn't recognize the things sooner compared with life outside. And I just wanted to let the children have a chance to solve the problem. :)

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2017.11.05 - 08:23AM Title: Chapter 6 The Secret of Kappa's Egg


It is an interesting story, but the Malfoys cannot seem to decide who's side they are on. Keep going.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading this. Yeah, Malfoy has been wondering which side he should follow.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2017.11.05 - 08:15AM Title: Chapter 6 The Secret of Kappa's Egg

Ah the sound of defeat before even trying out...nit a good way to go through life....kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, Scorp hasn't had confidence in anything.

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