
SIYE Time:6:12 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2017.11.12 - 06:48PM Title: Chapter 7 Crack


If Harry thought these eggs were important to his investigation, wouldn't he have the proper authorization to examine the eggs? They had to wait until the next day to look at the eggs? I'm sure they could have just sent a message to Kingsley and received permission. I realize it was to give MacNeil the time to do whatever he did, but it didn't really flow. Harry doesn't seem like this is an urgent investigation - going to parties, visiting people unofficially. I didn't get the whole 'come back from the Veil'. Is that a euphemism for dying?

Author's Response: Yeah, I meant coming back from the Veil was an euphemism for Harry's survival from the Killing Curse the second time. As Dumbledore took Voldemort's Horcrux things seriously, Slughorn tried to hide the fact he told Tom Riddle about the way to make Horcruxes, I think they must have been confidential. And I think even Kingsley can't access to the Department of Mysteries so easily, which I got impression when I read the scene at the Department of Mysteries of J.K.Rowling's book. When I have time, I might be back to add more explanations. Thank you for telling me these possible plot holes. :)

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2017.11.10 - 08:11AM Title: Chapter 7 Crack

Ah Draco has a soul after all....kutgw

Author's Response: Thank you for reading to the end. More Harry coming next.

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