
SIYE Time:3:10 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.03.27 - 07:57AM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


It was nice that Ginny's birthday wasn't forgotten this time! The mirrors were a great idea. I do have to wonder if Hermione clued Ron in on Harry and Ginny or if he actually figured it out on his own.

Author's Response: The famous forgotten birthday was the reason I let Ginny slip the information about her birthday during their time at the island, so Harry didn't have a chance to forget about it. I imagined Ron would notice on his own that there suddenly were things his best mate Harry discussed with his sister and not with him. Ron is often a bit thick, but I think he would notice if his status as Harry's best mate is endangered. That's why Ron wanted to know what happened.

Reviewer: TomBombadil Signed Date: 2019.01.21 - 05:29PM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


I love this cheeky, confident, happy version of Ginny. She is in control, whether Harry recognizes it or not! Good work!

Author's Response: Yes, that's the way I always imagined Ginny. Well, maybe I should say, the Ginny from the end of GoF. And I believe the accidental trip with the portkey made her even more confident around Harry.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2018.11.23 - 06:47AM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


Ah they are a budding relationship happening...kutgw

Author's Response: Yes, they're becoming closer. Their joint task will certainly speed things up. Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2018.11.18 - 06:04AM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


Sirius having a task is a changed person. He even cleans his room, lol. I wonder how long it'll take Harry to ask Ginny out. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Oh yes. An important task can change a person, as we can see, it can also change a wizard. And Harry ... I think he's on the right way...but in the end, he's Harry.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.11.17 - 08:02PM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Okay! I'll give one spoiler which was another shocker -- there is a girl that befriends Credence while they are both in a side show and she is afflicted by a curse which causes her to turn into a large snake and will eventually cause her to remain a snake permanently -- the girl's name is(drum roll please)----------------Nagini!

Author's Response: Ah well. I've heard romours about someone called Nagini...but nothing specific yet. A snake girl with the name Nagini...sounds a bit like Disney for me, lol.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.11.17 - 07:43PM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Saw the move "Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindlewald" and it was magnificent!!! Definitely will be a 3rd movie as the cliffhangers at the end setup a sequel! The magical world is divided at the end and you find out right at the end what Credence's real name is -- major shocker but no spoiler from me! Ten wands straight up for the movie!

Author's Response: In the end, my wife has chosen Bohemian Rhapsody. Great music. I suspect I'll see Grindelwald sometime in the next 1-2 weeks. Thus, thanks for forgoing spoilers. :-)

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2018.11.17 - 07:33PM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


little bit different and a good read.

Author's Response: It's great to hear you enjoyed it. Thank you!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.11.16 - 06:57PM Title: Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


A lot of fun and drama in this one! Really moving right along with a nice mix of Canon and AU! Enjoying the interactions between Ginny and Harry especially with the mirrors - love is definitely in the air for those two! And Ron is still a prat! Will be interesting to see what happens with the Horcrux hunt and the one they got with Kreacher! Can't wait for the next chapter! Can't wait for morning as I'm going to see "Fantastic Beasts the Crimes of Grindlewald" - looks awesome! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, we will slowly drift away from canon. Of course, the portkey-journey to the island can't change everything immediately. Harry feels quite comfortable in Ginny's company. I wonder what might force him to make the first step. And yes, the Horcruxes - will it really be as easy as it seems? There are still things they don't know yet. I'm also going to the movies tonight, but I'm not sure yet if my wife wants to see Grindelwald or Bohemian Rhapsody. I'll let her decide, there's no Ginny in both movies, so I have no preference ... Thanks for your great review!

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