
SIYE Time:4:00 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.03.27 - 07:59AM Title: Chapter 4: Summer’s End


Very sweet! I'm glad Harry spoke up and didn't torture himself with whether he should or not. It was nice he was able to spend the day with Sirius.

Author's Response: Yeah, I thought that Harry needed some time alone and with Sirius, to come to terms with his intention to ask Ginny out. Not to ask Sirius for help, but to take the time to make the final decision to ask Ginny out without the buzzing crowd around him. And, just as important, I didn't feel like writing a shopping spree, lol.

Reviewer: ellen Signed Date: 2018.12.31 - 01:13PM Title: Chapter 4: Summer’s End


At last Harry,

Author's Response: Yeah, finally! ...and it took him only three weeks after returning from the island. Thanks for th ereview!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2018.11.30 - 06:07AM Title: Chapter 4: Summer’s End


Nice to see harry go on the offensive for a change...kutgw

Author's Response: It took him three weeks, that's not that bad, is it? For Harry, it's super fast, lol Thanks for th ereview!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.11.28 - 01:31PM Title: Chapter 4: Summer’s End


Hot diggity dog! Harry finally caught a break and didn't trip over his tongue asking Ginny out! Can't wait for that breakfast when they go
public! Will be interesting to see what Sirius finds on the island! Enjoyed this chapter! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: It's amazing what a Gryffindor is capable of when a Ravenclaw is looming on the horizon, isn't it? On the other hand, it took Harry only three weeks to see what is right under his nose. That's not too bad, lol.
Ah yes, breakfast the next morning. I'm really curious what the readers will think of Ginny's idea to make it public. To be honest, I wasn't sure how it should happen, so I just started writing, and I've been quite surprised by myself.
Aye, Sirius will be our constant companion in the remaining chapters.
Thank you so much for your grea review!

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2018.11.28 - 08:25AM Title: Chapter 4: Summer’s End


I had to grin that Ginny already used the wand to do mischief. I'm glad that they're finally together.

Author's Response: I took him three weeks to ask Ginny out. This isn't that bad, is it?

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