
SIYE Time:2:50 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2018.12.18 - 03:47PM Title: Chapter 6: Down in the Chamber


Ah the two love birds are still going strong, and now with Umbridge gone what fun will they get up next...harry teaching?????hermione is such a worry wart its not even funny....kutgw

Author's Response: I don't think it's a spoiler telling you that Harry is not going to teach. Ah yes. Hermione. Well, she's always worried about breaking rules she's the only one who knows they even exist...just to break them it in the end anyway.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.12.13 - 06:45PM Title: Chapter 6: Down in the Chamber


Well this was a humdinger of a chapter! And Christmas came early with the downfall of Umbitch! HO HO HO! Hate that Luna is the one who got the quill torture but I'd say she got her revenge testifying against the toad! Hope Umbitch has a long and happy stay in Azkaban and glad she went down AU in OOTP! Interesting adventure in the chamber and hope they get to use the fangs soon! Would be interested in seeing what happened when that Quibler article came out! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I've always wondered why Harry never fought back. Did he really think Umbridge only tortured him, and no other students? In order for Harry to do his saving people thing someone else needed to be the victim. The Quibbler? Yeah, unfortunately, neither Harry nor Ginny were present when Umbitch read the Quibbler, and just because of that scene I didn't want to introduce a third POV character. Or do you mean the Quibbler article? I left it out because, more or less, we all know the content, and I wanted to avoid repetitions as far as possible. Thank you so much for your great reviews!

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2018.12.13 - 06:16AM Title: Chapter 6: Down in the Chamber


Ah, a lot happened. I loved the twist that Luna had the detention. Too bad, we didn't see the scene from Luna's POV.

Author's Response: I've always wondered why Harry never fought back. Did he really think Umbridge only tortured him, and no other students? The story is written only from Harry's or Ginny's view, so, unfortunately, i couldn't include the scene in which Umbridge was arrested.

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