
SIYE Time:3:55 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.03.27 - 08:22AM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging


Ack! I was wondering how they'd figure out about Harry. I love the way this story is progressing!

Author's Response: Yes, this was my plan right from the beginning how to deal with the Horcrux in Harry, and the main reason why Dumbledore wasn't allowed to know about the soul merging. Furthermore, I didn't feel like boring my readers with 2-3 additional chapters looking for ways to get rid of the Horcrux in Harry.

Reviewer: ellen Signed Date: 2018.12.31 - 02:04PM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging


Eep - I was wondering what would happen to Harry when the Horcruxes were summoned. Best read on quickly1l

Author's Response: Oh yes. I thought it was a good idea to ignore Harry's Horcrux as long as possible. To be honest, I didn't feel like writing a boring search for ways to remove the Horcrux when they already had this mean without even knowing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2018.12.24 - 05:22PM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging

Oh boy voldy up to his old tricks again...kutgw

Author's Response: Voldy? It seems I have set my readers on the wrong track here. Although it wasn't my intention, I somehow like it.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.12.23 - 05:10PM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging

Almost forgot! May you and yours have a very blessed and Happy Christmas! :D

Author's Response: Thank you so much. Of course, I wish you, and all you close to, a Merry Christmas, too!

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2018.12.23 - 03:16PM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging


It seems the Horcrux in Harry is gone now. I just hope he isn't hurt too badly. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Fear not. After all, Harry still has a job to do, hasn't he? Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2018.12.22 - 11:39AM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging


Cliff hanger ending.

Author's Response: Yes. I'm sorry. The chapter was told from Harry's POV, and when he fell unconscious, the chapter was over. Thank you so much for your review!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.12.21 - 07:06PM Title: Chapter 7: Soul Merging


Well this one ended with a cliffy and a half! My assumption is Arthur just got attacked by Voldeschmuck's snake ala OOTP! Still liking how you are mixing AU with canon! Can't wait to see how the blood ritual goes! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Do you really think that Harry became unconscious because the vision of Nagini attacking Arthur started? I think it's not a spoiler if I reveal here that we won't see the ritual directly. The story is told from Harry's and Ginny's POV, and they are not going to travel to the island. Sorry. Ultimately, it would just be boring stuff like Hocus Pocus and wand waving, wouldn't it? ;-) The effects of the ritual are much more interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

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