
SIYE Time:3:03 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.03.27 - 08:35AM Title: Chapter 8: Revelations


Interesting! Hermione is so annoying!! Sirius and Bill did tons of research, but no they should have let Hermione research it because she's so brilliant. I like the idea of Hagrid nursing Nagini back to health.

Author's Response: Oh, yes. Nagini. That's another thing I planned right from the beginning. It's the scene that determined the point when the soul merging had to be performed. Nagini must be in the Ministry on her way to attack Arthur. The idea that Hagrid would nurse Nagini back to health automatically came when I wrote the chapter. I dunno how this happened, but I thought it's hilarious, lol.

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2019.01.03 - 03:30AM Title: Chapter 8: Revelations


What an intriguing twist with canon events. Nagini ending up as Hagrid's pet is hilarious. An now, let's hope they watch their backs.

Author's Response: Nagini's attack was one of the first things I thought of when I came up with the idea to merge the soul pieces. I'm glad you liked it.

Reviewer: ellen Signed Date: 2018.12.31 - 02:23PM Title: Chapter 8: Revelations


Its about time shifty old Dumbledore did something useful now that the others have done most of the hard work. Or does he actually believe in prophecies,

Author's Response: Well, Dumbledore is just as close-lipped as he was in OotP. Nothing to really worry about. In the end, he'll be an important ally. Thank you so much for your reviews!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2018.12.28 - 01:41PM Title: Chapter 8: Revelations


As Horace Slughorn would say, OH HO HO! What a surprising twist! So it wasn't Arthur getting hurt by the snake but the snake, Harry and other horcruxes being removed by the ritual. Glad it worked and Harry is okay! Now we have the specter of the prophecy hanging over everything...Can't blame Voldeschmuck for being nervous! Can't wait to see where you take this next! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I always thought it was obvious what happened at the end of the last chapter, and it would be a nice fun to merge the Horcruxes just before Nagini attacked Arthur. The reaction of most of the readers really surprised me. With hindsight, I'm glad it was a surprise to all of us. Where I'll take this next? How about a nice canon twist?

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2018.12.27 - 08:51PM Title: Chapter 8: Revelations


Getting really interesting. Not quiet sure where all the horcrux's have gone?

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Where the Horcruxes have gone? As we've seen in chapter 7, they are all merged in the Locket Horcrux, hidden on Sirius's island.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2018.12.27 - 05:34PM Title: Chapter 8: Revelations


Nor should harry go anywhere with out elk, but then again they all have played in to a trap and now the end game is coming....kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, two more chapters, so the end game is coming closer. Thank you so much for following the story and leaving your thoughts.

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