
SIYE Time:3:21 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.01.06 - 02:51PM Title: Chapter 9: Valentines


Ah first time with he girl and harry is well pass a home run but harry needs to return he favor soon, as for making he plan for the ministry plans are great until first contact...hope fudge goes away fast with helping Malfoy get in...!!!!kutgw

Author's Response: Oh yes, their trip to the Ministry will take an interesting turn, at least I hope it'll be interesting. I'm afraid Fudge and Umbridge will only get a short note in the epilogue.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.01.04 - 02:11PM Title: Chapter 9: Valentines


Holy censorship Batman! This one got at least R-rated a bit there! OL Cupid was quite active with Ginny and Harry in the Room of Requirement! Hope that last line by Ginny about getting the prophecy doesn't end up being famous last words! Somehow I don't think the words easy & Malflunky go together too well! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Ah yes. That's why I changed the rating. I wanted to give them some memorable moments before the showdown. I think they didn't do anything we haven't done during my time at boarding school. And yes, since the next chapter will be the last one, the suspicion that it won't be easy is without any doubt justified. Thank you so much for your continuous support!

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2019.01.03 - 07:12PM Title: Chapter 9: Valentines


I'm glad they had a nice Valentine's Day. I doubt, however, that it'll be so easy to nick the prophecy. Great chapter!

Author's Response: I'm with you. It won't be easy. That's why I decided to give them a few memorable moments hours before they are going to the Ministry.

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