
SIYE Time:4:08 on 5th December 2024
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Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.03.27 - 08:53AM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


Really nice wrap up! Interesting way to kill off Voldemort.

Author's Response: I'm glad that you enjoyed it. The scene with the demise of Voldemort is a scene that was finished very early, I believe together with chapter 3. And it was supposed to be teamwork to take the pressure of fame off of Harry's future life.

Reviewer: ellen Signed Date: 2019.01.12 - 12:06PM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


Nice bit of action writing, and an excellent outcome.

Author's Response: Thanks. This chapter had a few scenes I've been thinking about for a long time, even before I started this story. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2019.01.10 - 04:39PM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


the ending caught me by surprise, bur it was a good ending to a good story.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I'm pleased that some of the twists and turns of the canon events came as a surprise. Thank you so much for your reviews!

Reviewer: Prongs I Signed Date: 2019.01.10 - 03:57AM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


Great story. I loved the way you twisted canon events to save Sirius's neck and finish off Voldemort.

Author's Response: Thanks. Ah yes, I always liked the idea to somehow save Sirius.

Reviewer: Truthrowan Signed Date: 2019.01.09 - 10:07PM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


No Review

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the stars!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.01.09 - 04:16PM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry

What an unexpected treat to see this today! Hate that it's the last chapter but boy what a humdinger of an AU conclusion! Loved your take on Moldyshorts destruction at the ministry! The Malflunkys sure pulled a hasty disappearing act but good riddance! I look forward to the epilogue! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Ah yes, the epilogue. Please don't expect too much. It's just 1k words with bullet points mostly about how I always imagined the life of the Potters after Hogwarts. Thank you so much for your reviews!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.01.09 - 04:16PM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


What an unexpected treat to see this today! Hate that it's the last chapter but boy what a humdinger of an AU conclusion! Loved your take on Moldyshorts destruction at the ministry! The Malflunkys sure pulled a hasty disappearing act but good riddance! I look forward to the epilogue! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Ah yes. Thanks to GHL the chapter was ready two days ago, and because it was the last one I didn't want to wait any longer. I'm really glad you liked my special version of the battle in the MoM. After reading every chapter for the umpteenth time, I wasn't so sure anymore if it's good or not. Yeah, I let the Malfoys simply slip away. After all, they're the cowards we all know.

Reviewer: minerfan Signed Date: 2019.01.09 - 03:21PM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry

I love how the battle between Sirius and Bela was turned on it’s head

Author's Response: Ah yes. That was one of the first scenes I'd planned for this chapter. I'm glad you liked it.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.01.09 - 07:27AM Title: Chapter 10: Inside the Ministry


I’m sorry to see this ride end but in the end I think your right in doing what you are going to do, and never say never on writing a sequel to this part of the story.....kutgw

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. As for the sequel, it took me 10 months to write this story, the sequel would be a project far too big for me. It would take years.

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