
SIYE Time:1:45 on 12th December 2024
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Reviewer: Emlyn Signed Date: 2020.11.07 - 08:09AM Title: Chapter 1

I can so see a very young Ginny trying so hard to keep a Very Important Secret, yet letting things spill right and left without even realizing it. So incredibly sweet and heart wrenching.

Reviewer: RighT3rantZ Signed Date: 2019.02.05 - 05:05AM Title: Chapter 1


That was precious. You know, I've missed reading your writing, whether you think I realize it or not ;)

Happy New Year(little late), and Happy Valentine's day (little early).

Harry's cousin is the worst!

Author's Response: Thanks for your kind words, Ive had bad writers block most of the last year xx

Reviewer: ellen Signed Date: 2019.01.17 - 03:13PM Title: Chapter 1


Loved it. Ginny's world is such a happy place it brought a smile to my face.

Author's Response: Thanks, elllen, great to hear from you again xx

Reviewer: Loveobsession Signed Date: 2019.01.17 - 03:35AM Title: Chapter 1


Very enjoyable!

Reviewer: V-L-K Signed Date: 2019.01.16 - 04:32PM Title: Chapter 1

I am a little bit confused with the end of first chapter. But I am enjoying the beginning of story and will wait, how will the plot developed. One question: Ron and Dudley are in the same class?

Author's Response: This was intended as a one shot for the challenge, but i may add another chapter on later. To clear up your confusion, Harry, Ron and Dudley would be in second grade,. but they have put Harry in the first, so he is with Ginny. Thanks for leaving a message xx

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.01.16 - 02:09PM Title: Chapter 1


Great to see a new one from the mistress of the broomstick of brilliance! And it certainly flies high in the sky for this masterpiece! The premise for this is genius and what a wonderfully touching yet heart-breaking tale! Love the interaction between young Ginny and Harry!
Can almost see their bond forming! Thanks for such a beautiful ride! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Well hello and happy new year. And in this case, happy Valentines Day. Please spoil Mrs Auror for me. I may do a follow up chapter but not till after the challenge ends, so stay tuned.. xx

Reviewer: ginnyweasley777 Signed Date: 2019.01.16 - 11:34AM Title: Chapter 1


Aww, I really enjoyed that, very sweet! :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much xx

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2019.01.16 - 08:52AM Title: Chapter 1


I loved it. Sounds like a wonderful start of a great friendship...and makes me dream of September 1st in 1991 when they'll meet again at platform 9 3/4.

Author's Response: Thanks. I may do another chapter, but not till after the challenge ends. xx

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