
SIYE Time:2:15 on 12th December 2024
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Reviewer: nayin1704 Signed Date: 2019.05.16 - 04:13PM Title: Chapter 1


Author's Response: ?

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2019.04.29 - 04:05PM Title: Chapter 1


Romilda, as mad and insane as ever!

Reviewer: ababcd Signed Date: 2019.04.29 - 10:35AM Title: Chapter 1


very funny story!

Reviewer: Bluest Witch Signed Date: 2019.04.24 - 02:55PM Title: Chapter 1

This is the most fun I’ve had with a challenge in years. Well done!

Reviewer: Bluest Witch Signed Date: 2019.04.24 - 02:55PM Title: Chapter 1


This is the most fun I’ve had with a challenge in years. Well done!

Reviewer: Danni Evans Signed Date: 2019.04.17 - 12:06PM Title: Chapter 1


Romilda always makes me laugh! I love your take on Ginny's dynamic with her roommates, and the tie-in to the tattoo bit from the book. Great funny story!

Reviewer: sanidad Signed Date: 2019.04.17 - 11:09AM Title: Chapter 1


Great idea to use Romilda Vane's POV, and the execution was just as excellent. Kudos!

Reviewer: melindaleo Signed Date: 2019.04.17 - 09:09AM Title: Chapter 1


Loved this! It so reminds me of all those anti-Ginny fools in the fandom who love to push the love potion idea. Did they actually read? Too funny. This one tickled me, and I love a pouty Romilda. Well done!

Author's Response: Haha! It was actually inspired by a dumb anti Ginny thing I read lol

Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.04.16 - 02:07AM Title: Chapter 1


That's awesome! I love the warped pov - Romilda certainly is a bit delusional!

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2019.04.12 - 12:58PM Title: Chapter 1


Great one! I couldn't hold my giggles.

Author's Response: Thank you! Not a piece of work I'm particularly fond of, so I'm glad to hear it made you laugh!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.04.11 - 09:26PM Title: Chapter 1


Oh man vane ha a serious issue here and ginny really needs to nip it in the butt fast....kutgw

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.04.11 - 07:26PM Title: Chapter 1


Loved your take on what Romilda Vane thought about Harry and Ginny's relationship in HBP! Have always thought someone who tried to use a love potion on Harry Potter was not particularly gifted in the smarts department! Good thing GInny never found out or Romilda would still be picking bat bogeys out of her nose! Well done! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Thank you so much!

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