
SIYE Time:15:01 on 8th December 2024
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Reviewer: nayin1704 Signed Date: 2019.05.16 - 09:03AM Title: Chapter 1

Good one!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2019.04.28 - 09:14AM Title: Chapter 1


Lovely mixture of humour and romance

Author's Response: Thanks :)

Reviewer: sanidad Signed Date: 2019.04.19 - 09:42AM Title: Chapter 1


You've been on my favourite author list for years. It's always a treat when you give us something new. You never disappoint.

Author's Response: Awww shucks *blushes* I'm glad you enjoyed it

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.04.18 - 04:17PM Title: Chapter 1


And sometimes ignore a problem is better then in gauge the problems...kutgw

Author's Response: Hope you enjoyed the story! Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: Danni Evans Signed Date: 2019.04.17 - 11:59AM Title: Chapter 1


Interesting idea, focusing on people other than Harry and Ginny interacting... I love the bit of Harry/Ginny at the end, too, they're really cute.
I always enjoy seeing how gossip inflates the real story, too - that was lots of fun. Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks! I love exploring the other characters :)

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2019.04.17 - 06:32AM Title: Chapter 1


Great idea to show their first days together through Ginny's eyes. I loved it.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed!

Reviewer: GREYWOLF Signed Date: 2019.04.16 - 10:30PM Title: Chapter 1



Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2019.04.15 - 09:56PM Title: Chapter 1


Love it! I love how so much of it isn't even the two of them together, but you can really feel Ginny's emotions and concerns about their relationship. Neville is a good friend. Hermione and Ron were actually quite funny. Good luck!

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Neville *is* a good friend!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.04.15 - 04:35PM Title: Chapter 1


Good to see something new from you Kezza! This one was a whole lot of fun and really enjoyed the Ginny point of view! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I do enjoy me some Ginny POV! It's fun to have something out there again.

Reviewer: melindaleo Signed Date: 2019.04.15 - 04:23PM Title: Chapter 1


Kezza!! I didn't know you were writing again! What a treat I discovered. I adore missing moments, and this one didn't disappoint. Love the thought of Harry sleeping so soundly because he's happy. Sigh. Nicely done!

Author's Response: Oh I've always been writing - this is just the first thing that has remotely been publishable. I'm glad you liked it!

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