
SIYE Time:1:10 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: isabel380 Signed Date: 2020.03.02 - 02:15PM Title: The Potter Boy

I read this story on another site and absolutely loved it. I saved it to my favorites there. Adding it to my favorites here.I’m thoroughly enjoying reading it again. BRILLIANT, ingenious, very inventive and and unique. My husband thought I’d lost my mind because I had figured out what Harry was going to do with the portraits and was cheering him on. Excellent work!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: isabel380 Signed Date: 2020.03.02 - 02:15PM Title: The Potter Boy


I read this story on another site and absolutely loved it. I saved it to my favorites there. Adding it to my favorites here.I’m thoroughly enjoying reading it again. BRILLIANT, ingenious, very inventive and and unique. My husband thought I’d lost my mind because I had figured out what Harry was going to do with the portraits and was cheering him on. Excellent work!

Author's Response: Thank you again for your wonderful comments! - gd

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.08.26 - 06:10AM Title: The Potter Boy


Oh harry what have you escaped to...kutgw

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! - gd

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2019.08.23 - 06:50AM Title: The Potter Boy


Intriguing and original. You’ve caught my attention 🤗

Author's Response: Good! Thanks - gd

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2019.08.18 - 07:02PM Title: The Potter Boy


Very interesting start to this story!!! I love the idea of Harry accidentally arriving at Hogwarts early :)

Author's Response: I've probably read somewhere a fic about Harry arriving early, but I can't recall. A nod goes to _kb_ and his story "Fate's Mistake" for inspiration on Harry's adventure on the Express. Thanks for the review! - gd

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