
SIYE Time:1:37 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.08.26 - 04:12PM Title: The Escape Artist


What a fun end to the story...great ride...kutgw

Author's Response: Thanks - I appreciate all the great comments! - gd

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2019.08.23 - 07:56AM Title: The Escape Artist


What a brilliant way to get Voldemort trapped. Now there’s all the time needed to work out how he has survived and figure out how to destroy him.

Love this concept, might have made a much shorter series though 🤣

Author's Response: We'll see ;-) Thanks for reviewing! - gd

Reviewer: parakletos Signed Date: 2019.08.21 - 02:22PM Title: The Escape Artist


Great idea, well executed. Would love to see more.

Author's Response: I did what I could in the limited time I had, but folks have got me thinking about a sequel. Possibly ;-) Thanks for the review! - gd

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2019.08.21 - 11:13AM Title: The Escape Artist


Fantastically funny! And a brilliant idea!!!

Author's Response: I appreciate your comments, and I'm glad you liked it. Thanks! - gd

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2019.08.20 - 02:33PM Title: The Escape Artist


An interesting story.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! - gd

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2019.08.19 - 11:50AM Title: The Escape Artist


Definitely a unique twist at the end as well! Great job on this story!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! - gd

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.08.19 - 10:07AM Title: The Escape Artist


Sure hate to see this unique and different story end! Would love to see a sequel! Glad Harry made it out okay and foiled Moldyshorts in the end! Really enjoyed this one! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I had not intended a sequel, but since a few have mentioned it, I've started thinking about the possibilities. After all, he has yet to meet Ginny and Sirius, not to mention that tournament thingie... ;-) But don't expect anything in the near future. Thanks for reviewing! - gd

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