
SIYE Time:4:12 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: nayin1704 Signed Date: 2019.11.30 - 11:34PM Title: The Date

i love how Ginny handled Harry and I'm glad your Lily is just like her mother lol

Reviewer: santafe Signed Date: 2019.09.04 - 03:58PM Title: The Date


Nice one - light, but I can've been there.

Author's Response: Yes, definitely a lighter ficlet. I have indeed been in Harry's shoes, and I thought the topic needed a more casual handling. I suppose I could have made it a spy/thriller type story where Harry stalks them throughout the night -- which could have been humorous in its own right. But, it felt like too much work.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2019.08.25 - 08:12AM Title: The Date


Ah ginny you’re way to good for harry....kutgw

Author's Response: LOL! Yeah, I guess Harry doesn't come off very well in this story, does he? What can I say? Life isn't always sunshine and roses, and that's when we need those who love us to pick us up. Thanks for the read and review!

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2019.08.24 - 05:44AM Title: The Date


I think lily handled her fathers anxiety and questions very well 🤗

Author's Response: Me too! (But, I guess that goes without saying.) I was hoping to express how much Lily took after Ginny's "spunky" side. Sounds like I succeeded somewhat. Thanks for the read and review!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2019.08.23 - 04:27AM Title: The Date


Your author's note said you wrote about what you know and you have succeeded brilliantly. Your story captures Harry's apprehension at letting his youngest and last start to test the waters of adulthood by going on her first date very sensitively. I love that Lily invited Harry into her room to talk while she got ready. Normally, it's the mother who gets that privilege, so you had me smiling during that scene. By the time Ginny decided she wanted to try out the Muggle tradition, I was grinning ear to ear. It seems that Harry's girls know just how to alleviate his fears and help him relax so that everyone has a good evening. Well done and good luck in the Challenge!

Author's Response: Thank you for the kind review. It's an honor to get praise from someone who has contributed so much to SIYE.

Reviewer: ellen Signed Date: 2019.08.18 - 02:34PM Title: The Date


Loved it.

Author's Response: Thank you for the read and review. Your feedback is always appreciated. :)

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2019.08.18 - 01:27PM Title: The Date


Great story!!! The parts about the MLE's patrol patterns were priceless :) Now to go remind my own teenage daughter she is not allowed to date until she's 18...minimum ;)

Author's Response: Only 18? I feel like I should start shouting out numbers like an auctioneer... "21? Thank you sir... do I have 25?..."

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2019.08.18 - 01:06PM Title: The Date


I really enjoyed this sweet story a lot as it reminded me of my daughter's first date with her first boyfriend! I gave him a 12-gauge shotgun shell with his name written on it to be sure he understood what could happen if he didn't treat my little girl right! The old saying "if looks could kill" would describe the look on my daughter's face at the time! 20 years later she and that young man are happily married and he is the father of 3 of my 5 grandchildren! We still laugh about the shotgun shell and he still has it! Loved how Ginny rescued Harry at the end! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: You know, I wondered how many of these "I threatened her boyfriend the first time he showed up and now they're married" anecdotes would pop up in reviews to this story... Thank you for not disappointing! (And in the first review to the story, no less.) While my children aren't old enough to be married yet, at this time the two older ones have begun their adventures in dating. I feel fortunate that they've made it easier on me by choosing people of solid character to spend their time with. Thanks for the read and review!

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