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Reviews For The Masked Ball

Reviewer: Joyfulluv Signed Date: 2021.01.17 - 12:49PM Title: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Proposal.


Oh please tell me you are planning to finish this story 🙏😂 I feel so bad that Molly think Ginny is dead when in reality she just became a Potter! I can’t wait to see why else you have planned.

Author's Response: Sorry for the delay. I have this Chapter complete, and Chapter 7 almost complete - just two scenes to complete. I had planned to pass this to my new Beta first, but it's been delayed enough so hope you will forgive a few typos just to get it out a bit earlier. :) Also included a Sneek Peek of Chapter 7 so you know Molly won't be worried for too long. ;) Many thanks for the review!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2020.12.18 - 06:08PM Title: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Proposal.


Oh the fun is about to go in to overdrive now....Ron cant do anything right, but then again if they where all smart they would ask hermione over the network to confirm anything that was going on.... kutgw

Author's Response: Sadly Hermione had to leave early that morning on urgent Ministry business, as you'll find out in the next Chapter. Some big news apparently dropped on the Ministry's Department of Magical Contracts Department concerning a Marriage the night before, and she had to get to the Ministry urgently before it got leaked to the Press... I mean, can you imagine the carnage it would cause if Rita Skeeter got wind of the news before the Weasley family. ;)

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2020.12.18 - 02:11AM Title: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Proposal.


I can just see Molly looking at Ginny's missing hand on the "Weasley" family clock and jumping to all sorts of dire conclusions. As innocent as becoming Ginny Potter is, she forgot how eagle-eyed her mother is when it comes to the family clock. And then, well, Ron's definitely NOT helping! Oh, well done, well done! Let the mayhem begin!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review. oh, I'm quite sure Ron will be more helpful more in the next Chapter. One can hope, at least! :)

Reviewer: Gryffinclaw_31 Signed Date: 2020.12.17 - 02:34PM Title: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Proposal.


Woah! Interesting stuff happening here! Just a few grammar typos here and there, but overall, an amazing chapter! I'm invested!

Author's Response: Thanks. Apologies for the grammar and typos. I have been self-Betaing. Though I have a Beta now lined up for Chapter 7 and beyond! So it's all good. :) Thank you for the review. It really helps! <3

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2020.12.17 - 11:20AM Title: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Proposal.


What a funny mess! First Ginny and Harry get engaged and elope and now the Weasleys think she is dead! Can't wait to see the Weasleys reactions when they find out Gin and Harry are married! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: "Can't wait to see the Weasleys reactions when they find out Gin and Harry are married! " .... Neither can I! Thank you so much for the review! :)

Reviewer: MichiganMuggle Signed Date: 2020.12.17 - 09:22AM Title: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Proposal.


You are too funny! I cannot believe that you did that to Molly!

Author's Response: Oh, it's going to get a LOT worse before it gets better! This story is such fun to write! :) Many thanks for the review! Keep them coming!

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