
SIYE Time:2:59 on 15th November 2024
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Reviews For The Masked Ball

Reviewer: LetaLestrangeScamander Signed Date: 2024.10.27 - 05:38PM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!

Hey, I noticed it has been two years since an update, it is so sad to see this wonderful fic to be abandoned.I would hope you will continue this story and if not please mark it as abandoned, as people like me would keep on waiting for an update, not knowing that it will never be completed.

Reviewer: LetaLestrangeScamander Signed Date: 2024.10.07 - 10:17AM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!


So good cannot wait for another chapter.

Reviewer: BadassGinny1411 Signed Date: 2023.01.23 - 12:20PM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!


No Review

Reviewer: LadyKitai Signed Date: 2022.12.29 - 07:57PM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!


This is such a fun story, I can’t wait for you to update it! I can’t wait to see Harry’s reaction to the Weasleys reaction! Thank you for the story!!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.11.09 - 07:22PM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!


Got to love hot blooded red heads with no facts or assumptions in queried….kutgw

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2022.11.05 - 08:30PM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!


Well this is a fine mess! That bitch Rita deserves whatever is coming her way - so does Pansy! As does Gwenog! Can't believe her family would buy the lies! Thought they were smarter than that! Glad Hermoine was in time! Hope she takes Ginny to Harry! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2022.11.04 - 03:51PM Title: Chapter 7 - Rita Skeeter’s Revenge!


Somehow I just discovered this story today but I've read the whole thing so far. This is great! The whole misunderstanding and Percy yelling "Stun Her" had me laughing out loud! I can't wait to read the next chapter.

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