
SIYE Time:1:19 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: sbmcneil Signed Date: 2023.03.18 - 01:03PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


Go Katie!!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2021.07.01 - 06:04PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


Aw, what a wonderful start. I've never seen (and never thought about) Ginny gossiping with the girls. I like the idea. That's probably a part of Ginny Harry had (and the reader) had never seen in the books. And now I hope we'll get more of the gossip in the next chapters, lol. Loved that Katie didn't telltale.

Author's Response: I went with the line about Romulus and the Tatts to assume Ginny has a level of harmless dorm gossip.

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2021.06.13 - 11:41PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


Great to see a new one from you, Kezz! Loved the start of this and laughed hard at how sneaky Katie foiled Gred and Forge! The bit with Ginny and the girls and their inquisition was brilliant! Can't wait to see where you take this! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: ‘Tis just a small offering but I’m having fun with the various characters :)

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2021.06.13 - 07:06PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


No Review

Reviewer: sapphire200182 Signed Date: 2021.06.13 - 02:04PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles

Dorm talk is always amusing! Do please finish!

Author's Response: I will finish but I’m not sure if in time for the challenge!

Reviewer: LadyRuthless Signed Date: 2021.06.13 - 08:14AM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


Squeee....Another Kezzabear Story!
LOVE it.
Now hopefully Ron and the Twins won't be such gits that they ruin their own HEAs

Author's Response: I think you can count on at least one of them being a Git at some point ... which one remains to be seen ...

Reviewer: BkRmGrl87 Signed Date: 2021.06.12 - 06:26PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


Another beautiful beginning to what will inevitably be an amazing story. I hope you can finish this story before the end of the challenge... but even if you don't quite make it, it is a great start so far. I love your characterizations, as they are wonderful as always. Thanks for flushing out these minor characters and original characters. You can definitely imagine this happening in a large boarding school with the hormones raging among the populous.

Can't wait to see how the Weasley's find out about Harry and Ginny!

Author's Response: Thank you! I can’t wait to see how they find out either! No, seriously I do know that! ;)

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2021.06.12 - 03:18PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


This was a fun chapter! I never really though about Ginny sitting around with the other Griffindor girls talking about boys.

Author's Response: I figured, surely they must! And we know people are taking about her and Harry!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2021.06.12 - 02:26PM Title: The one with the puking pastilles


Katie has it right….lol rofl…..kutgw

Author's Response: She’s not silly!

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