
SIYE Time:23:50 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2021.07.01 - 06:08PM Title: The one with the photographs


Ha, ha. Colin is the hero of the chapter. He is sneakier than the sneaky twins. I loved it. And Ginny and Harry are cute together...but that's no news, isn't it?

Author's Response: No news at all! Colin is awesome - as awesome as Katie!

Reviewer: LadyRuthless Signed Date: 2021.06.21 - 09:21AM Title: The one with the photographs


Poor Fred and George. They are only thinking of their sister's best interests, after all.

Author's Response: Of course they are … sure … if that’s what you want to believe … ;)

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2021.06.20 - 11:03PM Title: The one with the photographs


Great to see Colin do the right thing and prank Gred and Forge in the process! Ginny and Harry are still in the clear! But maybe not Ron and Hermoine! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Colin’s a good egg ;)

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2021.06.15 - 08:40PM Title: The one with the photographs


Lol ah forge and gred never did quit but they are barking up the wrong tree again…. Kutgw

Author's Response: Oh they are barking up the right trees because they know something’s up and they know who knows … but they just don’t realise how loyal people are to Harry! (And Ginny come to that!)

Reviewer: zorica Signed Date: 2021.06.15 - 06:29PM Title: The one with the photographs


Great story! Beautifully written.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: sapphire200182 Signed Date: 2021.06.15 - 12:44PM Title: The one with the photographs


Nice! Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Author's Response: Not where Fred and George want it to go, that’s for sure!

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2021.06.15 - 11:18AM Title: The one with the photographs


I loved Colin's reply to the twins!

Author's Response: I did enjoy finding Colin and working out his reply!

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