
SIYE Time:23:52 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: Gryffinclaw_31 Signed Date: 2022.08.03 - 04:58AM Title: The one with all the gossip


This was such a delightful read! I loved the way you used characters who're often in the background and Harry's and Ginny's relationship was portrayed exactly how I imagined it. Amazing!!

Author's Response: Thanks! I enjoyed playing with some of the more minor characters (and making a few up!) Hetes hoping one day I can finish this fic …

Reviewer: Lord Otello Signed Date: 2021.12.04 - 10:55PM Title: The one with all the gossip


No Review

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2021.07.01 - 06:47PM Title: The one with all the gossip


Oh, lol. The twins must be pretty desperate to ask McG in person. In hindsight, asking Ginny in person sounds like the best idea they had so far.

Good question. Who would call their kid Albus...or even Severus. At this point, I'm pretty sure, both Harry and Ginny would assure they would never do it. And I trust them. I'm sure it was never their choice, lol.

I just hope you won't withhold the end of the story from us. And if it takes longer, I would be satisfied with a piece of chocolate to kill the time...

Oh, I almost forgot. I loved your many great OC names. At OC's, I often find the odd choice of name annoying. The names of the OCs in this story were all perfectly suited to the HP world. If I ever have to name an OC, I would love to borrow one from you.

Author's Response: I’m working on the ending - to this and chocolate. RL has kicked my ass tho… as for names, I use and old English name generator and pick names from there. ;)

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2021.06.25 - 05:25AM Title: The one with all the gossip


Ah boy’s one may need to learn to back away for one to keep ones face in tack……. Kutgw

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2021.06.21 - 11:16PM Title: The one with all the gossip


Way to go Minnie! And Ginny! Gred and Forge foiled again! Harry must have a big smile on his face! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Well, Harry is smiling but he actually has no clue any of this is going on!

Reviewer: LadyRuthless Signed Date: 2021.06.21 - 09:25AM Title: The one with all the gossip


good Ginny, evil Ginny
heh heh heh

Author's Response: Evil? Ginny? I guess you could interpret it that way …

Reviewer: sapphire200182 Signed Date: 2021.06.21 - 04:24AM Title: The one with all the gossip


LMAO! Just... LMAO!

Author's Response: Don’t laugh too hard - you need your A!!! I trust that means you enjoyed it ;) (which is awesome)

Reviewer: zorica Signed Date: 2021.06.19 - 07:30PM Title: The one with all the gossip


So much fun in this story! Who would call their kid Albus!

Author's Response: Who indeed?!?! I’m glad you are enjoying the story.

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