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Reviews For Moody's Blues

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.11.30 - 06:53PM Title: Blue World


Well now…Ginny being the brains of the operation is a really good thing…also having a minister understand what crap he is stuck in…but allowed to think on his own…but also have Ginny dress down a the cops was brilliant…Remus reminding harry about something from Sirius is a blast. Kutgw

Author's Response: Ginny's put-down of the Aurors is one of those scenes that came out of nowhere - once it was in my head, I just had to write it! Thanks! - gd

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2023.11.30 - 06:20PM Title: Blue World

Put me down, turned me round
Turned me 'round to see
Marble halls, open doors
Someone found the key
And it's only what you do
That keeps coming back on you
And it's only what you say
That can give yourself away
Oh, it's a blue world
It's a new world
It needs somebody to love somebody
Oh, it's a blue world

Glad Harry saw the truth about what Albus did and why(interesting twist on HBP) so it eased his mind a bit! Pats on the back to Mad-eye and Remus for their help! Scrimgeour is still a schmuck! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Thanks so much! - gd

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.11.30 - 01:36PM Title: Blue World


Marvelous chapter! I love how Harry is able to put his guilt on the proverbial shelf after going into the Pensieve to view the memory with Mad-Eye. Ginny's up to her fiesty self...just how I like her! I'm glad Harry has contact with Remus and the respect of his house-elf. Well done.

Author's Response: Originally this chapter was meant to be dark and angsty; apparently I'm pants at that. I can't seem to let Harry wallow in guilt for any real legth of time. Thanks for reviewing! - gd

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