
SIYE Time:17:28 on 6th November 2024
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Reviews For Moody's Blues

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.03.09 - 12:14PM Title: The Story In Your Eyes


I've been thinking about our fortune
And I've decided that we're really not to blame For the love that's deep inside us now is still the same

And the sounds we make together
Is the music to the story in your eyes. It's been shining down upon me now, I realize

When the final line is over
And it's certain that the curtain's gonna fall. I can hide inside your sweet, sweet love forever more

Great to see a new chapter in this masterpiece! Quite the history lesson for the Hogwarts students and it seemed to make a big impression on them, with certain exceptions like Dorko Malflunky! Can't wait for the next installment! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: Thanks, as always! - gd

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.03.08 - 03:23PM Title: The Story In Your Eyes


Thank you for putting the new section into the previous chapter. I reread the entire chapter and you give excellent closure to the rescue of Luna and Mr. Ollivander. Thank you for that.

It was fun to see the reactions of the Weasley household to the news of the destruction of Malfoy Manor and how innocently Harry played his part. Mad-Eye made me smile with his approval of Harry's actions and his reaction to the spell Harry used to liquify the stone. It made me sad that poor Mr. Olivander was remorseful about giving Voldemort the information he wanted about the wands, but I think Harry handled it well.

What I really liked was the "education" Harry gave the student body about Voldemort during dinner the night the students returned. Forearmed is forewarned and Harry and the teachers are doing their best to help all houses be more knowledgeable of who they are facing in this conflict.

Regarding the cliffhanger, you haven't had one for a few chapters, so this one was due! Well done.

Author's Response: Thank you so much; it's always a thrill to receive affirmations like yours! - gd

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.03.06 - 09:33AM Title: The Story In Your Eyes


Well leave it to Tom to show up when it’s supposed to be a fun time…bu thane again he doesn’t have the greatest sense of timing….kutgw. I agree with harry why would you think it was a good time to add the snakes in to the mix..

Author's Response: Tom doesn't think like normal people or have the same goals... Thanks for the review! - gd

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