
SIYE Time:1:36 on 11th November 2024
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Reviews For Moody's Blues

Reviewer: Trucker Signed Date: 2024.03.20 - 02:25PM Title: Veteran Cosmic Rocker



Author's Response: Sums it up - thanks! - gd

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2024.03.17 - 06:05PM Title: Veteran Cosmic Rocker


Well done! You had me going there for a moment, but it seems Ron is very good at Switching Spells. Loved the spell Harry used on the Death Eaters and how both Dolohov and Bella met their demises. You're right, she really did have another purpose to serve. Now to get the last Horcrux...

Author's Response: Got to keep everyone guessing - everyone knows JKR's version, so I throw a few surprises in the mix. Thanks! - gd

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.03.17 - 10:06AM Title: Veteran Cosmic Rocker


The lights go down, the stage is set
The man in the wings breaks out in sweat
A backstage joker spiked his coke
While the dressing room was full of smoke
A crowd of fools got him high
He's afraid he's gonna die
He's the apple of their eye
He's the veteran cosmic rocker!
Wicked chapter! Absolutely wicked (and brilliant)!! Great plan by Harry and company and it worked! Loved the salt pillars and I sincerely hope Lucius and Wormtail are now dust! A headless Dolohov and Bella with a sharp pain in the back was the highlight of the action! Too bad Tom Piddle got away but his appointment with the uniformed gentleman Harry met is coming! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Author' s Response: You'll have to wait on the DEs lost, sorry. Thanks for the review as always! - gd

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.03.16 - 05:22PM Title: Veteran Cosmic Rocker


Well now nothing like getting the last plot in line…something tells me Voldemort royally screwed up again….but that is par for him…i take that back, that’s an albatross for him!!!!!!!kutgw, nice switch a rue!!!!!!

Author's Response: Time will tell... Thank you! - gd

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