
SIYE Time:9:48 on 8th October 2024
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Reviewer: kiukiuya Signed Date: 2023.08.08 - 12:39AM Title: Chapter 1

Wow, marvelous blog format!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and dropping a comment!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.07 - 09:20AM Title: Chapter 1


Oh well. Oddly enough, if I'm honest, I never thought of their adventure down in Gringott vaults, where something could have gone wrong during the Horcrux hunt. On the other hand, it's definitely the moment when they were the luckiest they didn't get caught, isn't it? After that first chapter, all I can do is eagerly await Harry to find a way out of this mess. At this point, I'd usually say that I can't wait for the next chapter. Luckily for me, it already exists.

Author's Response: Yeah, during my reading and re-reading of those chapters of canon, it felt like everything was building up to the climactic finale so much that I didn't dwell on how narrow of an escape the trio made. I hope you like the story, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.06 - 06:30AM Title: Chapter 1


Wow, I’m mean WOW, taking everything away like that right from the start…that’s cold…. Kutgw

Author's Response: I felt pretty heartless when I outlined the beginning of the story and wrote, "Kill off Ron and Hermione" under my goals for Chapter 1. Lots of bad stuff in these early chapters, but better times will come!

Reviewer: zorica Signed Date: 2022.09.25 - 01:32AM Title: Chapter 1


Brutal yes, but anticipating a good read!

Author's Response: Yeah, I figured that Harry's journey was really precarious and that if things went wrong, they'd go really, REALLY wrong. Hope to give you the good read you're expecting!

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