SIYE Time:4:21 on 8th September 2024 SIYE Login: no | | |
Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed
Date: 2023.01.09 - 04:27AM
Title: Chapter 2
It's an interesting idea to have Voldemort check for the diadem at Hogwarts and find the students in the RoR.
Honestly, I've always wondered why he never checked to see if his treasures were all still there when he was so fixated on his immortality. He basically lived at Malfoy manor after his resurrection - and never checked to see if the diary was still there? Kind of unlikely, isn't it?
Author's Response: I always assumed that Voldemort learned about the diary and that was one of the many failures he punished Lucius for, but you make an interesting point!
Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed
Date: 2022.10.06 - 08:54PM
Title: Chapter 2
Well at lease you whe smart enough to not have a certain red head in the room, but if she was I’m sure harry wouldn’t have thought twice on what to do…. Kutgw
Author's Response: With as much heartache as Harry's going through, I don't even know how he'd handle that scenario. Hoping I can do Ginny justice when writing her character.
Reviewer: Dad Signed
Date: 2022.09.25 - 10:18AM
Title: Chapter 2
A horror story, but you tell a good tale.
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words! It's a horror story for now, but I'm writing / editing a lot of significantly less dark chapters. If you stick around, things will look really different soon!
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