
SIYE Time:0:43 on 8th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.09 - 08:08AM Title: Chapter 3


Not sure if I've ever seen the final battle at the beginning of a story. At least the Hogwarts professors tried to defend their school and the students. Why does the Dark Lord actually need his Death Eaters again? He obviously asked himself the same question, since he kills them off just like his opponents.

Author's Response: I love writing action sequences, so I figured it'd be nice to start off this story with some battling. The professors each have so much potential and personality, so it seemed worthwhile to give them a chance to defend their students. But yeah, Voldemort is so overpowered that it'd probably make more sense for him to do most of his own dirty work, but I think it fits for him to enjoy ordering others around some, too.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.07 - 05:51AM Title: Chapter 3


Wow I have never had someone take this brutal Approach to giving our hero nothing to fight for…. Kutgw

Author's Response: Am I giving Harry nothing to fight for, or nothing to lose? Time will tell!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.10.03 - 10:37PM Title: Chapter 3


I've read all three chapters and you certainly have a penchant for killing all of Harry's supporters. I've decided to keep reading for the next few Fridays, hoping against hope that you'll get over your killing spree and give this story a glimmer of hope that good does overcome evil. I'd really hate to see what a world completely dominated by Voldemort would look like. Oh, thank you for killing Bellatrix. That witch needed killing.

Author's Response: My apologies for killing off so many great characters. I consider the first six chapters an introduction of sorts, but the story will have a significant change of tone once we're past the intro. As for Bellatrix, I really love her being taken down by a good character but needed to show just how enraged Voldemort became. I expect her to meet a different fate in a new timeline, but haven't reached that part of the story yet.

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