
SIYE Time:22:45 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.09 - 08:15AM Title: Chapter 4


It's good that Harry managed to escape, especially with the unexpected help. This is one of the few stories where I was sad about Kracher's demise. Did I just spot the word Ginny for the first time? I'm pretty curious who Harry will meet now.

Author's Response: Kreacher is a sad character to me, and I'll admit that I really appreciate the character arc he had in canon. He just was too powerful for me to leave alive in this part of the story because his magic would provide too many outs for Harry. Still made me sad to do it, though.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.10.17 - 01:12AM Title: Chapter 4


In a story that's rather sad to begin with, Kreacher's demise is the crowning blow. As much as I disliked the elf for much of the series, his loyalty to Harry warms my heart. I'm very glad he stood up to Walburga, evil as she is/was. It's sad, though, that Harry had to leave Kreacher in the ruined house and not give him a proper burial as he did Dobby. Wel done.

Author's Response: Yeah, I went back and forth about Kreacher. He's just got too much power to be left alive in this part of the story, especially since he already provided a convenient exit for Harry. I liked that his final act was defying Walburga, though. A true sign of changed loyalties. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Truthrowan Signed Date: 2022.10.08 - 11:49PM Title: Chapter 4


No Review

Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to read and rate the story!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.08 - 07:50AM Title: Chapter 4


Now that’s real cold….kreacher did good in the end, kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, I hated to kill Kreacher, but Elf Magic was just too powerful for me to leave him able to help Harry in the future.

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