
SIYE Time:23:42 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.09 - 08:22AM Title: Chapter 5


Looks like everyone we know who's not at the Johnsons at the moment is dead. Who is still alive anyway? I mean, except for Voldemort. The Malfoys, maybe? Not that it matters anymore...

Author's Response: Yeah, not gonna lie, I killed off so many characters early. Sometimes things have to get really dark so you appreciate the light more later.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.10.17 - 02:09AM Title: Chapter 5


Good chapter...even if it takes a bottle of Firewhisky to get through it! I'm glad Harry found friends to help him and that he has passed on the secret to Voldemort's demise. As sad as the truth is, I think these four are going to bond and keep working toward defeating Voldemort. I'm glad Harry knows that he's loved. Well done.

Author's Response: Harry's been through so much that I really wanted him to end up with a few allies who could lift his spirits. Had to have a Weasley survive, and as much as he'd love for it to have been Ron or Ginny, I think this'll work out for him. It also felt wrong that Harry has so many people in his life who clearly loved him, from Sirius, Remus, and McGonagall to Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, but he never hears it aloud from any of them in canon. I like to think it was meaningful for Harry.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.15 - 07:35AM Title: Chapter 5


Now I’m not sure what harry has left to fight for, now that almost everyone is gone from his family except who was in the room….wow…. Kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, the upheaval is going to take him a while to come to grips with it all.

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