
SIYE Time:11:43 on 5th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.10 - 12:32PM Title: Chapter 6


Ah, I'm glad they found a way to flee and are doing reasonably well. Now of course, I can't wait for Harry to find his way back into the past. Well. Obviously, it's 'just' one of his memories finding its way back, but still. I suppose in the end, we'll find a changed Harry in the past.

Author's Response: Think you've got a pretty good idea of how things are going to turn out during the next few chapters. Hope I can still throw you for a few loops on the details and how things go after the ritual!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.22 - 03:48AM Title: Chapter 6


Well I think them making a new start is the right idea and when the world sees what the heck is going on in Britain then maybe they will figure out they are all screwed…kutgw

Author's Response: A new start gave me the opportunity to do some things I thought would be interesting, including getting them across the pond. I'm from the U.S. in Texas, which borders Mexico, and I haven't read many fanfics that involve Latin American countries.Thanks for checking in with a review!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.10.22 - 01:57AM Title: Chapter 6


This is a wonderful change of pace and I'm glad Harry, Luna, George and Angelina have found a place of refuge to heal and get on with their lives. George and Angelina getting married isn't a surprise nor is Luna choosing Atzi as a partner. Harry's loyalty to Ginny makes my heart hurt. I can see how you're setting him up to be willing to participate in the ritual you speak of in the Summary. Also, I highly approve of you turning him into a Defense teacher. The children at his school are lucky to have him and despite his essay-marking woes, it sounds as if he really likes teaching. Thanks for making this a much lighter-hearted chapter than the previous five. They set up this one well, though they are very difficult to read. Well done.

Author's Response: What a super kind and thoughtful review! I'm glad there are readers who appreciate the shift in tone. While there will no doubt be occasional dark times ahead for Harry, the first five chapters had an awful lot of darkness crammed into a small amount of space. I hope to write compelling stories of adventure, attraction, and the mundane activities of everyday life since those are the narratives I usually enjoy best. Thanks for the encouragement!

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