
SIYE Time:23:07 on 7th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.10 - 12:47PM Title: Chapter 7


The idea behind the ritual is quite intriguing. And bringing the two together a little earlier is always a good idea - and every Hinny fan's dream. I really liked how they worked out their options for the ritual, and now I'm curious to see which memory they'll choose in the end. Great chapter.

Author's Response: So glad you liked it! I'm also a fan of bringing them together earlier. I may have had the most fun writing the interplay between all these characters. Harry works as an only child but giving him some sibling-esque relationships was entertaining to write.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.10.29 - 10:32PM Title: Chapter 7


There really is hope in this story! I can easily picture Harry as a teacher—he was so good at it with the DA—and knowing what a grind correcting papers is, I can see why he needed to go talk to Luna. I've never pictured her as excitable, but you portrayed her excitement believably and that definitely gave Harry hope.

I love the brainstorming session at George and Angelina's. I've always been fascinated by Fred and George and to see him want to resurrect the technique to enable them to see all the angles made me smile. They seem to have covered everything, and despite the long list of consequences, I'm glad Harry wants to try the ritual.

I'm looking forward to next Friday's update. Well done.

Author's Response: I spent a lot of time removing shreds of hope so that the ritual would feel super special once found. Glad you connected with that hope once it surfaced! I really enjoy the Harry-as-a-Teacher possibilities, and the juxtaposition of him now having to grade papers after so many years of putting off writing them was fun for me. I've really enjoyed building on the framework of canon characters, especially Luna. George and Ange have been delights to write, too. Glad you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.10.29 - 03:41PM Title: Chapter 7


When in doubt talk it out….I think the crew is about to get back in the war and kick Voldemort ass out for good!

Author's Response: Yeah, I feel like lots of problems could be solved by talking it out. I also think these are fun people to build a conversation around!

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