
SIYE Time:18:35 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.11 - 05:41AM Title: Chapter 10


It's a good thing Harry was awake when the memory arrived. Otherwise, he might have dismissed it as a dream lol.
I'm curious to see what conclusions Dumbledore draws from the information he got from Harry about the memory. I can't wait for them to talk about the implications of this dream, like why the dream was sent in the first place and what this means. And somehow, I hope that Harry not only talks about it with Dumbledore but also with the other person who appears in the memory. Although, that certainly still has to wait a bit. (To be honest, I just searched the remaining chapters for the word Michael and was relieved I couldn't find it...Lol)

Author's Response: Yeah, Harry being asleep might have complicated matters for him. There will be lots of interesting implications that turn up because of the memory, but very few will involve Michael Corner. I'm sure he's not as bad as I've seen him portrayed in some fanfics, but he's not high on my list of people to spend time with in this story.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.11.27 - 09:35AM Title: Chapter 10


Poor young Harry like he doesn’t have enough issues….hopefully he jumps in on Ginny…kutgw

Author's Response: Harry's issues have issues, but he seems to be dealing pretty well.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.11.19 - 09:43PM Title: Chapter 10


I really like the new direction this story is taking. It seems a fourteen-year-old Harry is rather receptive to the new memory's suggestions but hasn't formed a plan how to make getting to know Ginny better sooner. I really hope he decides to ask her to the Yule Ball, that after he does, Ron doesn't act the prat and that Harry and Ginny actually have a good time together at the dance.

Will we get to know what happened to the older Harry, Luna, George, Bill, Atzi and Fleur in later chapters? I'd love to know what the aftermath of the spell was and whether they thought their endeavors were successful.

Well done, and I'm looking forward to next week's chapter.

Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying the story! I feel like Harry experiences so much wild stuff in the magical world that he's a little more receptive to odd new happenings. Even with a nudge from the memory, he's still a bit of a clueless teenage boy, but maybe he can figure out something. To be honest, I haven't decided whether or not to revisit older Harry and friends later in the story. I wasn't planning on it at first, but I really like them and want to know more about them. On the downside, I did kill off most of their avenues to make their world better. Either way, we'll be in this new timeline for the foreseeable future. Thanks for reading and for dropping the kind review!

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2022.11.18 - 01:33PM Title: Chapter 10


So the memory is finally there! Obviously Dimbledore now knows the diary was a horcrux, but will he discover there are others? I wonder if Harry will approach Ginny like he wished he had in the memory? I look forward to reading your next update!

Author's Response: Glad I've got you excited about the next chapters! Your questions will be answered soon!

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