
SIYE Time:3:15 on 15th November 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.11 - 06:16AM Title: Chapter 11


Lol. Loved how Hermione and Ron interrogated Harry. Poor sod. And I loved how you brought Harry and Ginny together for the Yule Ball. This also gives Ron time to get used to the idea of seeing Ginny with Harry more often now. While the memory still confuses Harry, I hope he continues to ponder it. Well, not only do I hope so, I know he will, lol. Can't wait to read about it.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed the part with Hermione and Ron questioning a very confused Harry. While Ron's definitely an overly protective jerk at times, I like to think the goodness in his heart shines through more often than not in canon. Maybe you're right, and he will be more used to Harry and Ginny this time around.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.11.27 - 10:22AM Title: Chapter 11


Good boy harry now enjoy the ride…kutgw

Author's Response: Glad you approve of his choices!

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2022.11.25 - 05:18PM Title: Chapter 11


So Harry actually asked Ginny! Hopefully their evening will go better than Harry's did in the books. I'm glad Harry seemed to get on well with Luna, too.

Author's Response: After spending a lot of time trying to write an adult Luna well, it was challenging to write her younger version without straying far out of her character, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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