
SIYE Time:0:23 on 8th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.11 - 06:37AM Title: Chapter 12


Great chapter! Loved the the officially sponsored snowball fight and the beginning camaraderie between Harry and Ginny. I wonder if she will ever question herself (and Harry) as to why Harry was suddenly so interested in her. After all, she's a girl, and girls ask themselves questions like that. I just hope she doesn't find it out from Hermione once she has figured out the content of the memory. Was Ginny really afraid that Harry would rather have gone with Hermione?

Author's Response: The snowball fight was one of my favorite things I've ever written. Magic is just such a fun topic to be creative with, and I like the idea that fun things from growing up could be infused with cool magical touches to make everything even more special. While I don't think Ginny would've gotten the idea from Hermione that there could ever be anything between her and Harry, she was mostly on the outside of the trio looking in for a long time. I think it would be a logical concern in Ginny's eyes that the boy she had a crush on spent most of his time around another girl who was really smart and well-connected to him. I don't think Hermione and Harry work well as a couple, but for characters that see their closeness without as much of the added context we get in the books, I think it makes sense for their to be some wondering about if there's anything more there.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.12.06 - 06:56PM Title: Chapter 12


This version of the Yule Ball is definitely better than the real one, due to the fact that Harry and Ginny are partners and are with the person they seem to have hoped to be with at this dance. I enjoyed the comradery of the snowball fight, especially when the teachers renewed the snowbanks with magical snow. Also, Cedric's assessment that the majority of the natural Seekers attending Hogwarts at the moment are all present at the head table. I just hope that Ron doesn't make a fuss about Ginny being Harry's partner. I'd hate to have him ruin the evening for his sister and best friend. Well done. I look forward to more of this magical night.

Author's Response: I'm honored that you enjoyed this version of the ball so much! The snowball fight and the Yule Ball have been two of the most fun parts of the story to write thus far, so I'm thrilled you're happy while along for the ride. As for Cedric getting a jab in at Malfoy, I've gotta believe that it's not just the Gryffindor students who aren't fond of Draco. Ginny certainly went after Ron, but who knows if that means he'll point his bad behavior at her next?

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.12.04 - 03:15PM Title: Chapter 12


When the boys snooze they loose…..glad to see harry and Ginny having fun…kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, I think one of my favorite parts of fanfiction is seeing the smaller moments of fun that could have been happening between the huge plot points. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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