
SIYE Time:13:38 on 5th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.01.11 - 08:04AM Title: Chapter 15


I'm glad Ginny remains part of the group after the Yule Ball. Is she the glue that holds the group together and smoothes out the somewhat tense relationship between Ron and Hermione? In any case, the two seem to be bickering less, which obviously works to Harry's advantage. And, of course, to Hagrid's. I loved how the four cheer Hagrid up and give him advice.

Author's Response: I think adding Ginny does make the trio much less relationally volatile. She's got the spirit and experience to go toe-to-toe with Ron, helps keep Harry from getting isolated if the other two are bickering, and can push back against some of Hermione's worse tendencies in more helpful ways than the boys typically do. Hagrid's got his flaws, but he's easily one of my favorite characters in literature. I was glad to get to have the four of them help encourage him.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2022.12.29 - 02:08PM Title: Chapter 15


Well boost hagrid self-esteem and also get him to see what people maybe expecting at care of magical creatures….kutgw nice to see harry making head way on the second task.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review and the encouragement! I also enjoyed having the four of them building Hagrid up and helping him out.

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2022.12.25 - 10:25PM Title: Chapter 15


The thing I liked most about this chapter was how Harry and his friends rallied to get things done. You had them put their heads together in order to figure out the clue in the egg after Harry's time in the bath and then, once they know what they were facing, you gave Hermione the lead on helping to research how Harry is going to survive under water for an hour. However, the most brilliant part is the visit to Hagrid where they first worked together to bolster his feelings and then have him help with what Harry will face in the lake. That kind of teaching and teamwork both make for interesting reading because Harry feels like he's getting somewhere and Hagrid admitted that he really likes this kind of teaching where he can share his knowledge without being tied to a lesson plan. Well done.

Author's Response: Arnel, this kind of review is so encouraging. Those were parts of the story that I spent a lot of time on and really wanted to get right. I have been trying not to let my wishes for them all to be more emotionally mature change the characters in unrealistic and uninteresting ways. I believe Hagrid is one of the most genuine characters I've encountered while reading and I hate to see him kicked around by bullies, so having Harry and company really get through to him was cathartic for me to write. Glad you enjoyed it, too!

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