
SIYE Time:20:25 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.01.27 - 07:29PM Title: Chapter 19


Another great chapter where people cooperate much better than they do in canon! Harry is certainly having an easier time of it in this story than he did in GoF with only Hermione and Ron to coach/help him. I love that Professor McGonagall turned the detentions into coaching sessions and helped Harry learn to use objects in the environment as things to transfigure into what he needs in a duel. I love your comment about Professor Flitwick being a nicer teacher and the fact that Harry decides that while Moody is tough, what he's teaching will help him survive. It's almost as if he's decided this is a pre-Auror Training session for Harry, since he guided him through why things ended the way they did in their duel.

I have never liked the scene in GoF after the champions view the Quidditch pitch for the first time and learn about the maze. Your version with all four stopping to chat and agree to be fair with each other makes what happens next easier to stomach. I never thought it was fair to both Harry and Krum to have just the two of them alone on the edge of the forest at night when something sinister could happen...and does. At least with multiple people to go for help and stay with the victim, there was a chance that all might be well when Dumbledore arrived. Sadly, I think Harry's mistake was that he blindly trusted "Moody", telling him where to find Cedric and Krum. That certainly gave Moody the location of his father's whereabouts and gave him ample time to re-Imperius his father, much to Cedric's and Krum's peril. So... I really liked your approach to this part of the story. It was really great to see all four students cooperating to hopefully save one of their judges. Well done.

Author's Response: You picked up on a tricky part of keeping the plot intact despite the ritual's changes: without Harry losing the map to Moody, how could I ensure that Crouch Sr was stopped by his son? Without easy means to survey the entire grounds with the map, I figured Crouch Jr. would be patrolling the halls more often, on the lookout for any sign of his father. I'm glad you and several others have mentioned liking the added characterization of the other champions. I really like writing them, so it's nice to see others like it, too.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.01.22 - 09:29AM Title: Chapter 19


Well sometimes more people isn’t a good thing in a surprise attack….but at lease they all know the score now, hopefully it will be clean for the third task….kutgw

Author's Response: Yeah, I thought having them all connect a bit was helpful. Thanks for dropping a review!

Reviewer: Truthrowan Signed Date: 2023.01.21 - 04:34PM Title: Chapter 19


Ah! This chapter moves things along nicely and is so well written. I love how you handled the whole thing and your characterization and more in depth look at all the Champions is delightful.

Author's Response: I enjoyed getting to add more depth to the champions since there's so much potential in each of them. Glad you enjoyed the chapter!

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