
SIYE Time:2:17 on 7th December 2024
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Reviewer: BrianMcLyr Signed Date: 2023.02.06 - 08:06PM Title: Chapter 21


information or souls sent back in time.... Hmmmm, one of my favorite tropes. and the initial timeline continues is original, i think. As Ski says KUTGW

Author's Response: I think it's a fun trope, too. Glad you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.02.05 - 05:30PM Title: Chapter 21


Oh, that was close. Harry did really let some details slip. I'm curious how long it 'll take him to admit to Ginny that she was the other person. It'll surely still take some time, but somehow I have the feeling it won't take two more years. With the well-meaning support of the Quidditch team, perhaps much sooner.
Glad Ginny claimed her territory against Sirius, and I'm curious to see if and how Sirius reacts, lol.
Great chapter. Loved it!

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed the chapter! Harry will probably be more wary about talking about the memory for a while, but at least he opened up to Ginny as much as he has with Ron and Hermione. The chasers are really fun to write, so I hope that translates over to the readers.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.02.05 - 03:41PM Title: Chapter 21


Glad to see Ginny getting one on Sirius…also good to see harry making progress on survival of the tournament….kutgw

Author's Response: Always fun to write Sirius dealing with other pranksters.

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2023.02.03 - 01:05PM Title: Chapter 21


I loved the twins "training"! It definitely seems like the sort of thing they'd come up with. Ginny's panks on Sirius were fun, too. I'm glad Harry fill her in a little about the "rogue memory" too.

Author's Response: The twins are super fun to write, although I'm always a bit nervous that their excellence will elude my ability to describe. Glad you're enjoying it!

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