
SIYE Time:3:50 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.02.21 - 07:45PM Title: Chapter 23


Oh Snap…nice to see that they worked all together all the way to the end….to bad someone had to have some extra fun….hopefully fleur is also caught in the port key as well…kutgw

Author's Response: I loved writing the final fight against the golem with the three of them working together. Glad you enjoyed reading it!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.02.20 - 03:18AM Title: Chapter 23


This was NOT the chapter to read just before going to bed! I'm now thoroughly awake because you had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading. I really like the changes you made and how the champions worked together on various tasks to ensure each other's safety. The idea of Fleur needing to know Legilimency and Occlumency from an early age makes me sad, but I realize that her parents are wise to teach her to recognize the Imperius Curse to keep her safe. As for Cedric and Viktor, the former is lucky that Harry discovered him when he did and the latter seems like a really nice bloke once one gets around the whole famous Quidditch star thing! That was nice of Harry to remark about Viktor making Hermione happy and not minding when she helped Harry with his preparations. Finally, having the Triwizard Cup covered in a muddy, slimy golem really caught my attention because it really did need three competitors to take it down. I wonder if that was the plan all along; to have multiple champions work together to gain access to the cup and thereby having a multiple-school tie. Hmmm, something to ponder during the next week while waiting for your next chapter. I have my fingers crossed that Viktor doesn't meet Cedric's fate from canon wherever the Portkey is taking them. Next Friday can't come soon enough!

Author's Response: What a review! It's so kind of you to take such care to notice different parts of the story that I poured extra time and effort into building. I hated adding the part about Fleur needing to be ready for the imperius, but it seemed like a reasonable fear for someone of her ancestry and I hope it fleshed her character out a bit more. I've enjoyed allowing the other champions more time to shine.

Reviewer: Truthrowan Signed Date: 2023.02.17 - 05:12PM Title: Chapter 23


I'll admit, your maze was much more exciting than the one from the book. Victor is with him though, and I am so terrified of him getting the "Spare" treatment. Excellent job, I adore your characterizations of all the Champions and eagerly await your next update!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the kind words! I'm so happy to read that you're enjoying the champions because my goal was to flesh them out as more fully-developed characters. I look forward to your thoughts on the next chapter!

Reviewer: mdauben Signed Date: 2023.02.16 - 06:10PM Title: Chapter 23


A brutal third task! It was good to see them working together but I hope things turn out better than they did for Cedric in the book. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Didn’t want things to be too easy for Harry! Writing them working together was quite fun.

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