
SIYE Time:12:09 on 5th October 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.03.06 - 03:04AM Title: Chapter 25


Oh, it wasn't even an early update, it was an additional one. I liked the changes you made, and I'm pretty curious what changes will come out of it. Will they be able to convince Fudge sooner or get rid of him?
I've actually always been certain Sirius had been there for the third task in one way or another and was pleased to see it confirmed here.
Great chapter!

Author's Response: I've been trying to ride the line between changes that make things a little bit different and major changes that throw off everything, and these past couple of chapters have been my first time veering deep into the latter. Fudge is going to have a much harder time sweeping everything under the rug with Crouch on trial, that's for sure. I like having Sirius nearby, too. It's the kind of risk that suits his personality.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.03.01 - 04:28PM Title: Chapter 25


Ah nice to see something’s don’t change with Sirius but then again why should they… for fudge he always was a dumb ass….looks like love is flourishing all around Hogwarts, all though im not sure in front of her parent was a good move…as for mcg and Sirius it was great to see the interaction….kutgw didn’t realize you had updated so quickly.

Author's Response: Writing the Sirius and McGonagall scene was really fun. It's interesting to think through what things remain similar to canon and which things might change significantly. Thanks for reading and dropping a comment!

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