
SIYE Time:20:02 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.03.18 - 02:40PM Title: Chapter 27


Of all the things you covered in this chapter, the two scenes I liked most were the talk between Neville, Ron and Harry in their dormitory and Dumbledore's speech at the leaving feast. The first scene really should have taken place in the books because it's probably going to set up things that happen in the fifth year. It also helps Harry and Ron understand Neville's circumstances better. I love how Ron cited his experiences with his brother's wand and what happened in his classes when he had one of his own. The silent support that Harry gave Neville just warmed my heart. The second scene mimics the feast in the books but is so much more. Dumbledore's sincere honesty may have gotten through to more of the students than it seems it did in the books, so that remains to be seen. Finally, I had to smile at the sisterly smirk exchanged between Ginny and Fleur and the fact that Fleur seemed to approve of Ginny trying the spells on her brothers! I hope this is a departure from Ginny eventually calling Fleur "Phlegm" after Bill introduces her to his family! Maybe the two will exchange letters over the summer?

I definitely approve of how you're hinting at the growing relationship between Ginny and Harry. I hope there are more scenes like their hug at the train station in coming chapters. Well done.

Author's Response: This is such an encouraging comment! You believing one of my scenes should have been included in the books is such a kind thing to say. I am setting up some events for fifth year through both of the scenes you mentioned, but part of why I included them is just out of love for Neville and Fleur. They've got so much potential that Rowling pays off later in the series, but I want to see them shine as early as reasonable. Thanks for the encouragement!

Reviewer: Truthrowan Signed Date: 2023.03.14 - 04:04PM Title: Chapter 27


I love this story, and this chapter. Poor Viktor, you made me like him so much only to kill him off! Your characterization is deeper than many stories go and so well done, I look forward to reading more.

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed this chapter and the story as a whole! I really liked Viktor's character a lot, too, so it wasn't fun to let him die. The change from Cedric to Viktor does open up a lot of interesting potential changes that I'm excited about, though. I appreciate the kind words about the characterization; it's something I'm working really hard to do well, and I've got lots of room to grow. Thanks for dropping a comment!

Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.03.13 - 03:44AM Title: Chapter 27


Great chapter where I had the feeling you're setting up a lot of things for the future, like clueing Ron in on Hermione's emotional life, setting a first connection between Ginny and Fleur, including Neville a bit more, ... Loved it.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed the chapter! You're right that this one had lots of setup for the future, and some of it should be paying off soon. Thanks for leaving an encouraging comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.03.10 - 03:00PM Title: Chapter 27


Well Im glad to see harry has been smart to give the money to Fred and George again, and to get Ron and ginny something in the process. Hopefully now that they are done with he tournament they can start to make head way with the dream harry had...kutgw

Author's Response: Gotta have some Weasley Wizarding Wheezes!

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