
SIYE Time:23:41 on 5th November 2024
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Reviewer: Gin110881 Signed Date: 2023.05.08 - 02:25AM Title: Chapter 34


Ah, yes, lol. Sure thing, McGonagall takes the opportunity to figure out what was going on at her house in the past years.
And now I'm curious about what presence they might have noticed down there in the chamber? Did they forget to take the basilisk fangs with them, or don't they need them?
I'm wondering what new Defense professor will be Fudge's final revenge. Do we know them?
Ah - the Hogwarts letters. The perfect distraction to avoid Harry being questioned about the details of his little excursion.
Great chapter! Thank you.

Author's Response: I think you'll recognize the new Defense Professor. Lots of readers have commented on the extra presence they noticed while in the Chamber, but that's a mystery I'd best leave alone. At least for now! Appreciate the encouraging comment!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2023.05.06 - 05:48AM Title: Chapter 34


Well harry is one lucky boy and smart to have Ginny…also allowed time to appreciate not being a perfect…kutgw

Author's Response: Appreciate your kind and encouraging comment!

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2023.05.05 - 06:15PM Title: Chapter 34


You did a great job with the Chamber scene. I had to smile when Myrtle outed Harry, Ron and Hermione for making Polyjuice Potion in her bathroom, considering Professor McGonagall's questioning. It was nice of Kingsley to help Harry feel a part of the investigative team while the adults were combing the chamber, but I think McGonagall's words to Harry at the end of the adventure melted my heart the most. I chuckled, too, over how frustrated Dumbledore seemed after his meeting with the new Defense teacher. Portents of the upcoming year, perhaps?

Thanks for including the scene wherein Ron and Hermione become prefects. That's important for both of those characters. Well done.

Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words! Having an adult show Harry the ropes seemed important, but McGonagall's conversation with Harry was a highlight of the chapter for me, too.

Reviewer: FelWraith Signed Date: 2023.05.05 - 12:36PM Title: Chapter 34


Thanks for the chapter. I was wondering what would happen with the 5th year DADA teacher. Sounds like it will still be umbridge? Haha. Guess I'll just have to wait and see. Thanks again!

Author's Response: As much as I despise Umbridge, writing her as a character has been an absolute blast. She's back with a vengeance in this story, though her tactics will have to evolve due to changed circumstances. Appreciate you leaving an encouraging comment!

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