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Reviewer: Arnel Signed
Date: 2023.05.20 - 09:19PM
Title: Chapter 36
I know you followed the Sorting Hat's song printed in OotP, but I think yours is better than most of the fan fic writers' versions; I think you worked hard to make sure the important lines rhymed.
You also did a good job on paraphrasing Umbridge's speech and showing how unlikable she is by her fellow teachers' expressions. The poor fifth years with their horrible start to each week with their most boring or difficult lessons all bunched up into one day. Snape was his usual awful self when he singled out Harry for not properly reading the directions on the board.
It was nice of Cedric to come and speak with Harry and his friends; I really hope they continue to work on strengthening their friendship in the face of Umbridge's interference. Well done.
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words! I had fun rewriting the song and switching the words up to fit the changed timeline. Umbridge's speech did stay pretty similar to the original, but there are some hints at how things will be different this time around. Having Cedric as a character opens up so many options for the story, and I can't wait to explore them!
Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed
Date: 2023.05.19 - 03:35PM
Title: Chapter 36
Harry is SO SO SO SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i was hopeful you where not going to bring that lovely piece of work in to your ride but you just had too……maybe with Ginny working her magic harry will keep his mouth shut…….what am i saying,, that will NEVER HAPPEN…..kutgw
Author's Response: Umbridge is going to play a big role in this school year, and her diminished institutional power won't stop her from making the people around her miserable. I'll be interested to see what you think once we get to see her in a classroom setting. Thanks for the comment!
Reviewer: FelWraith Signed
Date: 2023.05.19 - 01:56PM
Title: Chapter 36
Thanks for the chapter! I didn't think about how Cedric may impact the new year. I wonder if his warning will help harry deal with umbridge a little better? Probably not, but will be interesting. Also, great job on the sorting hat song. Seems difficult to write one and yours was awesome!
Author's Response: Cedric's absence in OotP doesn't get felt as much since he and Harry weren't super close, but having him around will have lots of implications for the school year. It'll be hard for anyone to get through to Harry about Umbridge, but we'll see if the heads-up works. Thanks for the kind words about the Sorting Hat song! I put in a lot of effort to try to get it to be different from canon while still getting the main idea across. Appreciate you reading and leaving a comment!
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